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Diabetes Management Platform: An Honest Review

Updated: Aug 14, 2022

A long-awaited, much-needed resource that aims at using technology for GOOD in the diabetes community... DMP is the new app YOU need to connect with other people with diabetes and inform yourself about how to improve your life with this condition!

If you don't know me, my name is Nick, I'm 22 and have been living with Type 1 Diabetes since I was 4 years old. My life with diabetes has guided me towards my passions in the holistic health field and has given me the drive to help others also living with my condition. So naturally, I was quite excited when I heard about this new app to help connect with other like-minded individuals living with diabetes, provide educational resources, and link up with healthcare professionals. I had the chance to try out the new DMP app over the last few weeks, so without further adieu... here's my honest review!


Upon First Glance

  • The app is very sleek and visually appealing

  • All the screens, buttons and pages are easy to use and easy to navigate (for even your most non-tech savvy users)

  • Lots of different features, and all are very straightforward. I didn't find myself confused regarding what-did-what. The profile is easy to set up, the messenger is simple to use, everything is clearly laid out.

What are the features?

  • Livestreams from health professionals, influencers and interesting people with diabetes to share their stories, experiences, tips and tricks.

  • A "find medical professionals" feature to help connect you with top-tier docs, therapists, educators, coaches and more to help you meet your treatment needs

  • Daily Chats section is essentially a message board specific to your condition, whether that be type 1, type 2 or even a parent/guardian. I like to think of this as "Twitter for only type 1 diabetics" Which is pretty darn cool in my eyes!

  • Friend Finder features help to connect you directly with others living with your condition, whom you can then easily connect with through the messenger feature on the app!

  • The Articles section contains all the latest blogs, articles and research packaged up in neat little categories. It covers everything from mental health to breaking diabetes news.

  • The "Share your Story" is a safe space to share about your diagnosis, overcoming challenges, and funny moments living with diabetes. It's always great sharing stories with others whom you KNOW will relate to them!

Why should I download DMP?

  • Make new connections

  • Meet like-minded individuals

  • Become empowered to tackle your condition

  • Equip yourself with knowledge and experience

  • Find helpful health professionals


The Final Verdict

Given my experience as a personal trainer and holistic health coach, I make it a point to help my clients unplug from technology, and only utilize it for good, rather than as a time-waster. Well, I'm happy to say that DMP definitely falls into that category of "using technology for good" and I don't have enough good things to say about my experience with their app. A resource like this is something I've longed for since I was young living with diabetes. A diabetes community was something I never truly had until getting involved with diabetes camp as a teenager. Now that chance to be a part of a tight-knit group is widely available for people with diabetes EVERYWHERE through DMP!

Head over to the app store to download DMP today!

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